Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Wanted to introduce our newest family member. This is My Little Boy!!!! Tim surprised us with his agreement and excitement to have "Koda" join our family. He is a Yorkshire Terrier. We got hime from a family here in Wasilla. His Mom is 4.3 lbs and his Dad is 2.3 lbs. So his is going to stay pretty small somewhere in that 2-4 lb range. He is my little purse dog and goes with me everywhere. Right now he is 7 weeks old and 14 oz. Not even a pound!!! He is a very good puppy and doing really well with potty training.... not that if he had an accident it is very big.... We've made up a little box for him in a laundry basket... to darn cute!!!

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jordyn's First Steps

Well, finally. Jordyn has decided to take a couple steps. Here is the video. Its August 13, 2009.

Friday, July 31, 2009

July Update

So its been pretty quiet around the Galloway Household this past month. Gillian and Jenna have been having a wonderful time in MN. I can't believe they come home in a week. Where did the time go. We have only had a couple of phone calls with tears, but mostly its chatter about what all they have been doing... and of course they want to talk to Joey & Jordyn more than they do Mommy. The weather in MN hasn't been the best, so that is a bummer, but oh well... they still spent a week at the lake and went out fishing a couple times. Spent a few weeks at the Farm, lots of Jeep rides with Uncle Keith and a couple weekends they were able to play with all their cousins. Gillian attended Drama Camp in Baudette and was in the Wizard of Oz Play. I am sure I will hear about alot more things they did once they get home.

I think Joey and Jordyn have really enjoyed having Mommy all to themselves. I have enjoyed the downtime also. I have started a few projects... tiling the office (Phase 1 is complete), Sanding down some furniture to repaint, and LOTS of SCRAPBOOKING. Our weather here has been absolutely beautiful this summer... record highs. The girls have spent much time outside and in their little pools, on the swingset, going on walks, snowcone making and eating and anything else you can think of as long as it's outside.

For the 4th of July, Joey, Jordyn and I spent the afternoon with John and Tracy and Family. We went up to Hatcher's Pass to Independence Mine and then hiked up to Hidden Lake. We had a wonderful time with great friends. I will hopefully get pictures posted of this great day done soon.

Joey has spent alot of time with her best friend "Tru-Tru" (neighbor Truman). They are 2 peas in a pod, both "Toe-heads" with Blue Blue Eyes, and kissable cheeks. We have had so many laughs with those 2 this summer. If they are not at one house they are at the others. And of course they have "Progressive" meals where ever they go.
As Joey said to Miss Tracy this evening," I haven't eaten at your house yet today." So she ate supper there. Then as Tracy and I are visiting (at Tracy's House) we can't find the kids.. where are they, back at Our House having Cereal, which I tell you they got bowls down themselves and poured it!!!! Oh we laughed and laughed!!!

Joey also had another classic moment today. It is only 60 degrees here, but the neighborhood girls were going to run thru the sprinkler. I was over visiting with Angie (neighbor)when all of a sudden there is Joey... BUCK NAKED... she had gone home to change into her swimsuit and couldn't find it, so she came back over to get me, but didn't bother to put any clothes back on. What a site, that blonde hair and white tushie!!!

Jordyn is such a happy baby, with 5 teeth now. She still isn't walking, but she sure can go up and down the stairs pretty fast. She climbs up to the top of the slide and slides down on her belly, and climbs up on the couch or anything else she gets to. She has developed a fine art of feeding the dogs. She is a true joy to have in the house.

Tim has made it out to Ft. Lee, VI and he just completed his first week of Captain's Career Course. The 2 weeks before that, were pretty slow as he was just sitting out there waiting for his class to start.

Gillian, Jenna, my mom; Arleen, my grandma; Doris, my Aunt; Connie and my Cousin; Jackie all fly up here next Saturday Aug 8. I am so excited for everyone to come. We are going to have a great time.

Gillian starts 4th grade on Aug 17 and Jenna starts Kindergarten on Aug 24 and on that same day, Joey starts morning Preschool. Can't believe my babies are getting so big.

I just bought plane tickets to go out to Virginia to see Tim for a week Sept 3-9. Jordyn will be going with me. Tim has a long weekend Labor Day weekend, so it will work out great. Tim's parents, Paul & Margaret are coming up to stay with the older 3 girls here at the house. They will be getting the kids to school and all their activities. Thanks so much!!!

The Alaska State Fair is the end of the month here in Palmer. Fairgrounds are just down the road from us. Aug 26-Sept 7, so hopefully we will get to take that in and see all the gigantic veggies that are grown around the state.

So keep an eye on the blog and I will continue to update with pictures from this summer and keep you updated on the happenings here in the Galloway Household!

Love to All!

Happy Aniversary - 10 Years

Well today is our 10th Wedding Anniversary. Wow!!!! Once again, we are in different states... so that means out of 10 years, we have only actually celebrated 4 of the 10 together, otherwise we have always been apart!!! That sure is a bummer!!! Hopefully our record this next 10 years will be better!
Tim, I love you so much and I want to Thank you for these past 10 years and our 4 beautiful girls. I can't wait to see what the next 50 years brings. Happy Anniversary Honey!

Memorial Weekend BBQ 2009

Here are pictures from the Memorial Weekend BBQ! It was a Welcome Home Tim/Happy Birthday Joey Theme. We rented a big Bounce House for the kids, everyone bought a side dish to share and I think a great time was had by all. The final head count was 65 people. I'm thinking that this should be an Annual Festivity? What do ya'all think? If we didn't see you this year, I hope you can make it next year!!!!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pixie Playdate

My wonderful neighbor, Tracy hosted a Pixie Playdate for the neighborhood girls. Tracy is one of the most artistic, intelligent, artsy-crafty, woman I know. She has 4boys so this was her opportunity to let her "girly" creative juices flow. There was Pixie Crafts, Storytime, and Pixie Snacks. The girls even found pixie dust through-out the yard, so they new that real Pixies had attended the party also. All the girls had a wonderful time. Thanks so much Tracy!

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Early Summer Slideshow!

Well here is a little slideshow of things from the beginning of the summer. Enjoy!

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Tim's Homecoming

So here it is, finally. Pics of when we picked Tim up at the airport on May 7,2009. He is officially home from Iraq.

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Wicket was also so happy to see Tim. Check out her tongue!!!!

Joey's Birthday

Joey turned 3 on May 18, 2009. We went to Hacienda Restaurante for dinner and had a good time. Here are a few pics of her.

I don't have a picture, but she got a swingset from Mom and Dad, that Tim had to get put up that week. That was the first thing on his "Honey-Do-List" What was really cute, was for a few days Joey would ask Tim "Daddy, you put my swingset up today?" Then finally one day she asked again and then brought him his shoes. She wasn't going to take "NO" for an answer. It worked and she got her swingset!!!

Jenna Preschool Graduation

On May 7, 2009 Jenna graduated from the Primary Preforming Arts Academy Preschool. She attended this Preschool for the past 2 years. Along with the educational side of things, they also did Tumbling and Dance. We are so proud of her and can not believe that this fall she will be in Kindergarten. She will be attending Fronteras Spanish Immersion School (same as Gillian). Where has the last 5 years gone?

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Update

I know, I know. It has been a long time since I have truly added anything. I am so sorry. It has just been one heck of a crazy, fun-filled 50 days and I will blog what we have been doing since Tim was home little by little in the days ahead.
Currently, Tim, Gillian and Jenna left this morning at 3am headed for a drive across Canada to Minnesota. Tim did send a text at 6am saying that Jenna had already thrown up... got to love car sickness. So it may be an eventful 5 days in the car for them. Yes they do have dramimine for her....
Tim will be there for a few days and then he alone will continue on to Ft. Lee, Virginia where he will be for he next 6 months attending his long overdue Captain's Career Course. He should be back home for good by the first of the new year.
Joey is a bit lost this morning without her sisters here to play.
Gillian and Jenna are going to spend a month in MN, staying with my sister and my parents. They are so excited to see and play with all of their cousins. They will be returning home via plane, Aug 8th along with my mom, my grandma, my aunt and my cousin.
I am going to enjoy this little summer break with only 2 kids. But I know I will miss my other 2 dearly. I have never been away from them this long. I need to get the house in order and I have lots of projects that should keep me busy.
It was so wonderful having Tim home and being together as a family. We had a huge Memorial Weekend BBQ (65 people were here), we went to North Pole, AK and visited some great friends, we went camping in Seward with some more great friends, and of course tiled the living room floor and most importantly we were a Family. Can't wait till 2010.
Love to all.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


While Tim was home we took on a big project and decided to tile the living room. So here it is!!!
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Welcome Home Preparation

The banners and flags are hung, we are all watching the clock as it slowly ticks by... only 7 more hours... (but who's counting) Here is a few pics from our neighborhood. Our friends are just as excited as we are to have Tim come home.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

24 Hours and counting

Tim arrives in Alaska in 24 hours 16 minutes!!!! Now that is if the plane is in time!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Just a quick note to let you know that TIM IS BACK IN THE USA!!! He made it back to Kansas this morning. Paul and Margaret (Tim's parents) and Paul (Tim's Brother) were there to welcome him home. He has some work to finish up at Ft. Riley, Kansas for a couple of days but should be on a plane to Alaska on THURSDAY!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sneak Peek

I had a friend take some pics of Jordyn... so here is a little preview of her 1 yr old pictures.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


So these pics were taken about a month ago by my neighbor. Yes, it is true, Moose do hang out in the populated areas. The yellow house in the background is our house. More than once, we have been stuck inside waiting for moose to leave the yard.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Birthday Cake

Since Jordyn got sick before she could eat her birthday cake, we saved it and she enjoyed it the next day. We had a good laugh. She wasn't quite sure what to do with it, poke it, pat it, put it in her hair and ears, and finally she decided to taste it.
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Friday, April 24, 2009


Well we had a very nice and relaxing Easter. Thusday before, we decorated eggs. Jenna was throwing a fit over her supper so she didn't get to participate, except for her one egg with her name on it. Jordyn just wanted to drink the dye and eat the eggs, but everytime she put an egg to her mouth and tasted that vineager, she didn't like it, so she just sat in the highchair and cried during the process. Gillian was not happy with any of her eggs she colored... many of her responses were " Look at this ugly egg" or "the crayon didn't work". Joey just had a great time and was happy as can be... I don't know why I put myself thru this torture?
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On Easter Sunday, we got up and the kids found their Easter Baskets and also found the hidden easter eggs around the house. We slowly gathered things up and headed over to Kris and Jeff's house. We had and outdoor easter egg hunt and the kids really enjoyed that. Gillian and Noah, both had a scavenger hunt. We enjoyed a delicious meal of Ham and Mashed potatoes. Jordyn loved her potatoes.. I had 3 spoons going of it. She would have 2 in her hands and when she would finally drop one she would scream so I gave her the third one and then the one she dropped would get refilled quickly and wait for the process to start all over again. We all had a good laugh.

Fun in the Mud

Our neighbors have the "ULTIMATE MUD PUDDLE" on the side of the driveway. It truly is every kids dream. With great weather this past couple weeks, the kids decided one day that it was time to test out the puddle.

Jordyn Turns 1!!!

Where did the year go? I can't believe my baby is already one!!! Jordyn was having a great day until she woke up from her afternoon nap... then she ended up sick with the flu... poor thing... what a way to spend her birthday. So we saved the cake and will hopefully let her dive into that tonight. Enjoy the little book I put together
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One Year Old Stats
Jordyn is crawling all over and she is FAST. She is also standing up on furniture, but not walking along it yet. I think she is waiting to walk until daddy get home. She has 2 teeth on the bottom. She has a beautiful Princess wave and gives kisses. She has learned the scream thing when she wants something. She is still my happy go lucky little girl who sleeps thru the night!!! She now weighs in at 22 lbs!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well if you haven't been watching the ticker at the top of the page... Today is the start of the 1 Month Countdown until Tim is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This last month I think is worse than the 1st month he was gone. We are so anxious so it makes the days go by really REALLY RRRRRREEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY SLOW!!!!!!!!

So much to do and so little time. I have a long list of things I would like to get done before Tim is home, and then there is the "Honey Do List" The #1 thing on Tim's list is to SPEND SOME GREAT QUALITY TIME WITH HIS GIRLS!!!!

Please keep Tim in your prayers and lets get him home safely!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Sticky Fingers"

So we get home from school and Gillian races into the house to fix the tail on her homemade bunny made from a washcloth. By the time I get in the house with the other 3 kids, Gillian is crying and running her hands under hot water... she split a whole bottle of SUPER GLUE all over her hands, the counter and her bunny... I quickly run and grab a paper towel to try and get it off the counter as fast as possible... at that moment I move her Bunny and it literally starts fuming with a strong smell.. it was reacting to the pinesol the counter had been cleaned with earlier in the day.. I throw the bunny outside as fast as possible. Got some paint stripper that I had in the garage and scrubbed the counters and had Gillian washing her hands with it... I have never seen hands so covered in so much SuperGlue. It came off the counter!!!! In the mean time, Jenna takes it upon herself to head over to the neighbors house. Tracy greets her at the door and Jenna holds up both hands in the air and says, "My mom needs you, Gillian has Sticky Fingers" Tracy came over carrying a bottle of ACETONE Fingernail Polish Remover, which got the glue all off, but Gillian has some pretty dried up fingers now. We all had a good laugh over the spill and little Jenna running for help (even though I didn't tell her too) But she did the right thing as I didn't have any Acetone polish remover. THANKS TRACY FOR HELPING US OUT!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Up here in Alaska, we don't call it spring... we call it "BREAK-UP". We have actually had a week of really nice weather... upper 30's that is.... So the snow is finally starting to melt... I hope I didn't just JINX things. The kids have been itching to get the bikes out. I finally gave in. As you will see from the video we have a nice stream of water that runs from the base of the driveway down the road. Its the PERFECT PUDDLE!!!

Here's a pic of Joey after such a fun day outside.

The Girls Hanging out!

Jordyn thinking she is pretty darn sneaky under the end table

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mt. Redoubt Update

Well, Mt. Redoubt continues to give us grief, but we are fine as of now. We are going on with our days like normal... I just check to school website every morning to make sure there is school and check the AK Volcanic Observatory website for updates... I will keep you all posted.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mt. Redoubt Erupts

At about 10:30 pm last night, Mt Redoubt began to erupt. So far there have only been about 6 minor eruptions spewing mainly ash. With the winds they way they are, we haven't seen any ash up here and the skies have been mostly clear and sunny. Further south, however, is where the ash has been heading. As of 4:35 Alaska DST the Alaska Volcano Observatory has stated that "The eruption of Redoubt volcano continues and the color code and volcano alert level remains at RED/WARNING. Seismic activity remains elevated, but has declined slightly over the past several hours. The activity consists mostly of volcanic tremor with some discrete events.

A sixth explosive eruption occurred at 7:41PM AKDT. Clear web camera views show that the ash emission has ended. Steaming is visible from the summit.

The National Weather Service has now issued the following report...
834 PM AKDT MON MAR 23 2009






These are some photos taken by the webcams in the area.

And here's a link to the Alaska Volcano Observatory's website. Check it out...

I covered up the intake vents on the house and will check the school website int the am to see if there is school... As of now, I haven't seen any ash at our place...
I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Horse Riding and Spring Break

Well we survived Spring Break. Barely. I tried to keep the girls busy, but yet they still seemed to find something to fight, whine, cry over. Here is what we did last week. On Monday we headed down to Anchorage and went to the indoor waterpark for the day. The kids had a blast and were sleeping in the car within 5 minutes on the way home. Tuesday we just relaxed and recovered from monday. Wednesday the weather was beautiful, so outside we went. In the morning we walked down to the park.. Jordyn loved the sled and the kids played while Jordyn to a nap in the fresh air. In the afternoon we went over to our friend's house and we got to ride horse. The kids had a great time and Jenna and Gillian are naturals. Check out the pics and the videos. Friday we met some friends at Bouncy Bears and indoor bouncy house thingy... the kids had fun and jordyn wasn't too sure about the whole experience. Check out these pics.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Family Fun Night - Juggling

Gillian's school had a Family Fun Night tonight, so off we went to learn how to juggle.... or at least try.... Check out the tongues sticking out in concentration. Jenna did really good with the sticks... Gillian is getting the hang of Juggling... just needs to keep practicing... of course we had to purchase some gadgets so the girls can continue practicing their talents at home.
They had some other gadgets there and we had lots of fun at the different stations.

if you click on the site to go to where the pics are posted... you can see 2 short video clips...


Here's a few pics of the girls over the past few days. I finally did it and got Jenna's hair cut.... it is so cute, but I think it made her look a few years older....

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Isn't it amazing???? I am so excited right now... Here I am in Alaska and my cousin Brook (She is a Junior in High School) is playing in the Championship Game of the MN Girls High School Hockey Tournament in Minneapolis, MN. I am listening to the game LIVE on the Internet... I may be thousands of miles away, but I can still stay connected and be a part of something so great!!! It's the start of the 3rd Period and the Warroad Warriors (Brook's Team ) are down by 2 goals against Blake. I hope things turn around. I will keep you posted!!!

Ok So now it is 4-3... Warriors are only down by 1, with 4:45 mins to go in the game...
In the final second of the game, things were crazy at the Blake net, and Warriors almost scored... So not the outcome we wanted but still so proud of my Cousin Brook on an awesome game and her team Warroad Warriors taking 2nd place in the state!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's Official

JORDYN IS CRAWLING!!!! Check out the video and of course the picture of her so proud of herself... Got to love Bribery
Jordyn turned 10 months old on monday Feb 23rd.. her Grandma Arleen's birthday!!

Pics of Girls

Just thought I would put in a few pics of the girls... This is Joey's Pouty Look.... she has got it down to a tee... Wicket and Chloe just got spring hair cuts and baths...

Jordyn is Crawling

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Much New

Sorry that I have been neglecting the blog lately... but not much new to report. We have all been battling a cold this past week and half.. so I am trying to keep it all together, but get some extra sleep when I can to help fight this thing I can't seem to get rid of. We had a few days in there where it looked like a tornado went off in the house as I just didn't feel like doing anything... but hey... I think that is how the house always looks.. so maybe it was just all the meds i was taking to keep me going... actually... Gillian has really stepped up in the responsiblitly department this past 5 days or so... every evening she is picking up/sweeping/vaccuuming the living room/dining room/kitchen area.... so maybe the place was really a mess and she finally couldn't stand it anymore!!!! It has been really nice and I am so proud of her. Jenna has been the only one that hasn't really gotten the cold... but at the same time she is the one, besides Jordyn that gets the most sleep. Jenna is usually the first one to fall asleep at night and the last one to get up in the morning, next to Wicket. Joey is all the go all day long and every now and then stops for a nap. I enjoy those moments. But she also takes after her Grandma Slick who likes to be up late at night... most of the time she finds something to get into at late at night and has to fights the sleep until I finally crawl in bed. Jordyn even thou she is still fighting this cold, is still just so darn happy. I really can't wait till spring, winter is starting to get really long and I am so over it...
We talked to Tim this weekend. He is doing well. Just taking it one day at a time. They are starting to get things in order so the transition goes well when the Unit that will replace them arrives mid-April.... so hopefully he will be home mid-May!!!
I will try and get some pics up in the next days or so....
Take care and love to all.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


So it is a lazy Sunday afternoon... My friend, Gretchen and her 4 children, whom we were stationed up at Ft. Greely, AK with (2004-2006) came over to spend the afternoon. They live in Eagle River now, so it is about a 20 minute drive to each others house. Her Eldest son, Jakob had a hockey game out here, so it works out perfectly, as Rachel and Ben Stay here to play during that time and then we always have supper together here. It has been so fun watching the kids grow up together. Ben and Jenna were just a few months old when we first met and now they are going to be turning 5 yrs old this summer!!!! The story behind the pictures of Jordyn are: the girls were playing "house". Rachel and Gillian were the "Moms" and they needed babies... so that is where Jenna, Joey, and Jordyn came in.... This had been going on for awhile now and by surprise, Gillian came down with a stinky diaper... YES... SHE CHANGED JORDYN'S DIAPER!!! I guess they were really serious about the "jobs as moms". Now things has been going on for a couple of hours up in the bonus room and I haven't heard a peep out of Jordyn,(not that she gets fussy that often, but still) so I thought I would take a quick peek... there she was... all set up in the Laundry basket.... having a hayday watching the girls play around upstairs.. She had her bottle, a baby, a toy... she was set.... and of course a BIG SMILE!!!! So I had to grab the camera quick!!! here is a little video of my "HAPPY GO LUCKY" Little Girl.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

9 months old already

Can you believe it? Where has the time gone? Jordyn is such a happy baby and so laid back. Ask anyone who knows here... Even her doctor says " She is even happy when she is sick. You can't go by the facial expression on the pain chart with her" Jordyn is all over the place now, rolling that is.... She has started to do the belly scoot forward using her arms to pull her and her toes to push her. It isn't quite at the "low army crawl" yet, but we are getting there. She is also getting up on her hands and knees and rockin back and forth. Every day she gets a little stronger and I am just waiting for her to take off. Jenna and Joey were both walkin/running by 9 months so I am truly enjoying the fact that she has stayed in one spot up until now... Now we are constantly having to go get her away from something and bring her back to the living room. We have been battling yet ANOTHER NASTY COLD this week, but we are hangin in there... she just can't seem to kick it....we do well for a week or 2 and then we get it again.... but she is still happy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009



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