Thursday, December 25, 2008


Just wanted to take a quick moment and wish every one a Merry Christmas! Hope you all and a wonderful, joyous, peaceful day.

We were able to spend Christmas morning with Tim via Webcam. It was really nice. He was able to see each of the girls wake up and come downstairs to see presents from Santa and Daddy on the 'puter. Then the girls took turns opening gifts and Tim was able to watch and be a part of the whole thing. Technology is amazing. We may be physically thousands of miles apart, but yet Tim was right in our living room. That was the best gift for all of us today. The girls and I then headed over to Tim's sister's, Kris & Jeff's house. Things really started off with a bang, as Joey went running into the house, wiped out on the wet floor and got head-butted by the dog and ended up with a bloody nose. Kris got things undercontrol and presents were soon being passed out - DISTRACTION - In a matter of minutes, tears were gone and all the presents under the tree were opened. We ate a delicious meal of enchiladas and rice. It was a nice change as we were all kindof tired of turkey and mashed potatoes. A quiet relaxing afternoon followed and then the girls and I headed back home about 5pm.
The week countdown has begun. Next friday we are on a plane to Florida and hopefully Daddy will arrive on that Saturday, Jan 3....
I've got lots to do this next week. Hopefully I will get some pics from the holiday posted in the next day or so.

Once again. Happy Holidays Everyone. We love and miss you all!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Solistice

The day has finally come. The shortest/Darkest day of the year. Especially for us here in Alaska. I am so happy, because that means starting tomorrow we slowly gain back the sunlight each and everyday.
So today we have 5 hrs 28 mins 4 seconds of sunlight in Anchorage... (Sunrise - 10:14am, Sunset - 3:41pm) What I think is amazing that in Delta Junction (near Fairbanks) where we use to live they are basking in 3 hrs, 41 mins of sunlight... (Sunrise - 10:59am, Sunset - 2:41pm) can you believe it.. 2 hour difference and they are just 300 miles north of anchorage. It really makes you realize how far on "TOP" of the world we are... On the Northern cost of Alaska, Barrow, they haven't seen the sun since Nov 18th and won't see it until Jan 23!!!!! And on Jan 23rd, they get a whole 1hr 15 mins of it!!!!!! Just thought I would share some fun Alaska Facts with you !!!!

Happy Solistice!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Vacation

It is finally here. We've hit another milestone in this year long journey. Today is the last day of school for the girls. And then we sit home for 2 weeks.... I will be running around frantically trying to get everything ready for our trip. But hopefully the girls will behave, get along, and help out while we are hanging out here at home. I hope the weather is good, so the kids can get outside and get fresh air so we are not couped up in the house. We are all so excited to get on that plane on Jan 2 to Florida: Daddy, Sunshine, Daddy, Mickey Mouse, Daddy, Family, Daddy, Princesses, Daddy, Seaworld, and of Course, Daddy!!!!!!
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jenna Xmas Program

Well today was a busy day. Jenna had her Preschool Parents Program this afternoon. On Saturday she will perform again for the Dance Studios Holiday Program. They sang a R-E-D song, counted to 10 in spanish, named different shapes and then performed their SNOWMAN SONG!!! It was to cute. Click here for more pics and more videos.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Christmas Wizard of Oz

Gillian has been involved in the School's Drama Club this fall. Her part was a Snowman in "THE CHRISTMAS WIZARD OF OZ". She had 26 lines and did an excellent job. Check out her video and click here to see more photos....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And so it begins... FLU SEASON

Well, its been a tough few days here in the Galloway Household. Jordyn decided to puke and be whiny and fussy all day monday. Monday night, Joey was in possesion of the infamous puke bucket and her and I slept in the chair downstairs. At 1am this morning... Gillian and control of the toilet in the girls' bathroom. By 3 am I was in control of the toilet in my bathroom. Then about 1hr later Jenna decided to throw up in my bed and since the 2 bathrooms were in use she got control of sitting on the floor in my bathroom. Glad I got the septic tank empty a couple of months ago, because we sure kept things "flowing" here. I also had to figure out 2 more puke buckets.
This morning I called my wonderful Daycare Provider, Patti and she let me bring Jorydn and Joey over for the day. The rest of us tried to get some sleep here at home. It is 5:40pm and I think Gillian is on the mend, Jenna is still in tough shape, and myself, well, I think the stomach is better, but I have such achey bones/joints, that I can't hardly move. Dehydration is a big factor. Wish Tim was here, I would let him practice his medic training and stick an IV in me to get me some fluids. I had my neighbor, Angie pick up an electric blanket at the store... that is helping the joints. I sent Jordyn to Auntie Kris's for the night. Patti is actually going to the store for me to pick up diapers and baby food. I realized I was low and it is a holiday weekend and I don't feel like heading out to the stores. Bless her heart.
Keep us in your prayers. Hopefully we will all be better and will get to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day by Day

Sorry I haven't updated in the past few weeks. But sorry to say, not much new to report. We are adjusting to the cold weather and the darker days. We have snow on the ground and I had the joy of getting up realy early one day to snowblow the driveway before school...
Jordyn is sitting (with a boppy pillow) behind her... she is getting stronger tummy muscles every day and stays upright longer and longer. She has also started rolling around the living room.. no speedy gonzales, but works her way off the blanket she is on. She is loving the baby food and at her 6.5 month appointment last week, the scale confirmed that... a whopping 17 lbs 11 oz!!!!! Jordyn is such a happy go lucky baby and has quite a personality. She jabbers and chews on things all the time.
Gillian is busy with school. She is in a play and has memorized her lines. Jenna is enjoying preschool. Joey is starting to get real interested in the potty. She successfully went peepee on the potty, 4 times today... But at least she is showing interest.
We are all getting excited for Disney World and to see Daddy. Hopefully the time will keep flying by and before we know it, it will be January.
Tim is doing good. They are in their "winter" season right now so they are getting some rain and cooler temps. Missions have been going well. We have hit the half way mark, so now we are on the down hill side of this deployment.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well the first battle of Halloween started at 2pm when I told Gillian and Jenna they had to lay down for quiet time, or they were not going trick-or-treating. Joey was already sleeping. The second battle began at about 3:30 when they got up and Gillian came downstairs wearing her dress with no shirt or pants on underneath.... uuuummmm it is 15 degrees outside.. you are wearing warm clothes. So this battle lasted till 5pm. I even called in for back-up, Grandma Slick to try and convince her and calm her down... Jenna and Joey didn't have a problem with it and got warm clothes on and their princess dresses. Auntie Kris stopped by about 5pm to see the girls all dressed up... we had to laugh at the total chaos of trying to get 4 GIRLS ready for halloween... All in all, we finally got out the door. We were invited over to a party in the neighborhood. It was nice as I was able to leave Jordyn at the house, take the other 3 to a couple of houses before Jenna was crying she was so cold. So back to the party we went. I left Jenna and Joey there and then walked around with Gillian for awhile... We had a great time. Glad that it is over.... 365 days until we have to do it again.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


From the day she was born, she loved the water. There has never been a cry out of her during a bath or shower. You and the floor get soaking wet while Jordyn practices her swim strokes. I think she may give Micheal Phelps a "SWIM" for his medals. Check out the video!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Majestic Beauty

The beginning of October brought lots of rain, but I guess, that was all summer long. But on this evening Oct 10, 2008 I was blessed to have witness the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. It was a full arch and I was right in the middle of it, with each color so perfectly detailed. My pictures do not do it justice by any means.

Gillian Gymnastics

Gillian is taking gymnastics this year and really enjoying it. We go every wednesday evening. Gillian's friend, Sara (neighbor) also attends the same class. Another neat little tidbit, OUR FUTURE VP's daughter attends another class at the same time, so when Piper isn't busy on the campaign trail with her mom, we see her. Just another small town girl... Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So today we were headed out to Gillian's school and by golly, right there on the road if by our house there was a Momma Moose and her 3, yes, I said THREE Baby moose. I grabbed my phone camera and tried to get a few pictures. I have seen lots of moose with twins, but never triplets... and that they were right here in the neighborhood makes it even crazier!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jordyn Jump-Up

She is having way to much fun.

Jordyn Jump-Up

She is having WAY to fun!!!

Firehouse Tour

October is Fire Safety Month. Jenna and Joey had the opportunity to tour a Palmer Firehouse. Meet a real FireWoman and check out the trucks. They had a great time.

Friday, October 10, 2008


And so it begins...
The Lovely Winter Mat-Su Valley Winds.

So yesterday it started, as the day progressed so did the wind. And wouldn't you know, Gillian's school had this great athletic event to invite family to come run with their kids during recess to help them earn more laps in the "MILEAGE CLUB" (during recess, a couple of times a week, the kids can choose to go outside and run laps. It is a marked path that 5 laps equal a mile. With every mile they get a little prize and a Paper "Foot" added to the Mileage wall in the gym.) Great way to get kids out there running and exercising. So of course Gillian wanted us to come. Joey and I did one lap, Jenna ran 5. Poor girl was frozen by the time she was done. Battling the wind wasn't fun. Now it is 4:30am, (I'm up with Jordyn) and the wind is still blowing at 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph... (which it is "gusting" most of the time)
I love Alaska, but I really hate the wind that blows here in the Valley during the winter. The cold is bad enough, but do we really have to add the wind?

Oh, and to top it all off, just had to change Jordyn's diaper, and wouldn't you know... she had a "BLOW-OUT!"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gillian got glasses

So it starts... Gillian needs glasses. She is far-sighted and has an astigmatism... She looks pretty darn cute in her glasses I think. My friend told me this great saying as a rule for glasses... "On your face, or in the case" So that is how it goes....


So we woke up to big snowflakes coming down this morning... I guess winter is here... a little early I think... I really don't want a long winter, especially with Tim gone. It is hard enough for me to get out of the house in the morning with 4 little ones, I don't know how I will fit snowplowing/shoveling in...
So of course, Jenna and Joey had to go out to play, so that meant digging out all the winter gear.... They came back in absolutely soaking wet, so it begins....
It is now 2pm and all the snow has melted, but I am sure there is lots more to come.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sisterly Love & Update

Here are some pics of the girls that I have taken in the past month. Jenna is definitely Momma's Little Helper. She is such a Mother's Hen.... any time she goes by Jordyn, she has to stop, kiss, tickle, LOVE ON, Jordyn.... Jenna is also so good about remembering to take Chloe out to go potty. Now if only I could teach her how to keep her room cleaned up...

Joey, she just keeps me running. Potty training isn't really going... Joey finds that it is easier, to just take of her own dirty (number 1 and/or 2) diaper, wipe herself and then even put diaper rash ointment on herself and then she even tries to get a new diaper on... it is at that point she comes and gets me.....hmm hmm, wouldn't it be easier to just go on the potty?????

Gillian is busy with school, gymnastics and Drama Club. They are all going really well for her. Her and the neighbor girls have been so busy afterschool, building their "Webkinz" Clubhouse out of old boxes..... needless to say, the clubhouse keeps getting bigger, and more and more boxes are ending up in the garage... (Oh, and for those of you who don't know, Webkinz are a stuffed animal, that has a special code, the kids can log onto the internet and do all sorts of fun things in this Webkinz world)

Jordyn just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I can't believe how fast they grow. She is just a happy baby and she gives out the biggest smiles... She hasn't rolled over yet, but she is so close.

The weather here is turning cold fast. The leaves are rapidly changing colors and falling from the trees. The mountains have quite a bit of Termination Dust on them. I think it will snow here in just a couple of weeks. It has still been raining lots. So of course all these changes mean runny noses and colds for the kids.

I am constantly on the go... dropping off or picking up kids for/from school and their activities and any other appts we may have..... It's been tough trying to keep up with everything... I would say, the house is getting the most neglect... but hey, we are surviving....

We miss Tim so much and as you can tell by the Counters, we are looking forward to seeing him in January for 2 weeks, but most importantly for him to come home in May 2009.

Love to all


All good things must come to an end.
It was great having Grandma Slick here for a month. The kids all got lots of snuggle time with Grandma, especially Jordyn. She just melts into Grandma's arms. The extra set of helping hands was wonderful. Arleen was here from Aug 15th to Sept 14th. She actually flew up to Alaska with Gillian & Joey, 10 days before I arrived. Gillian started school on Aug 18th. Once I got back on Aug 26th, I took advantage of having Mom here, and tried to take care of as many things as possible (as you can tell from some previous entries.) The last week that mom was here, the leaves were really changing colors and there was even a bit of Termination Dust on the Mtn. tops. Having the "HomeTown Girl" Sarah Palin, running for Vice-Pres, sure has stirred things up around town.... Its great to see all the local support. Here are a few extra pics....

Saturday, September 20, 2008



The Rolls of Jordyn

She definitely isn't missing any meals!!!! Need I say more????


Jenna and Joey are taking swimming lessons 2 mornings a week. They are having so much fun and doing really well. Joey has made great improvements since the first lesson when she wouldn't even get off the step. Jenna's back float has great form.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jordyn having Cereal

Sept 10, 2008 I am getting so big!!!! Milk just isn't enough for this gorgous rolly polly body of mine. I finally convinced Mommy to feed me Cereal!!! ITS SO YUMMY!!!!! CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE PICTURES, BUT MAKE SURE YOU WATCH MY VIDEO!!!!!

Jenna 1st Day of School

Jenna started back to Preschool the end of August. She goes Monday and Wednesday afternoons to Primary Performing Arts Academy. She also gets Dance and Tumbling there. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, she goes to Swanson Elementary where she attends Preschool and also receives speech therapy there. Next year Jenna will be in Kindergarten... where does the time go....
(Oh, I have to scan Gillian's 1st day of school pics in, but once I get those done, I will post them)

Jordyn's Quilt

My mom has made quilts for all of the Grandkids. Well, I had her do something a little different for Jordyn's.


Well, I figured that since mom was leaving on Sunday, I best get some Fall Chores done outside. Especially since I probably wouldn't get to them and the next thing I know it will be cold and snow. I got the Garage cleaned out, so I can fit both vehicles in there. I mowed the lawn and winter fertilized it. I Cleaned out the shed so I could get the summer stuff put away... washed out the sandbox,lawn furniture and cleaned up the lawn mower. I also pressure washed the front porch and front side of the house and driveway. Mom and I moved the lawn swing up onto the porch to help protect it from the winter weather. I worked hard all day long, but I got it all done. Tim I hope you are proud of me!!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Gina & Mark's Wedding

August 23, 2008 was a beautiful and highly anticipated day. My friend Gina got married in Minneapolis, MN. Gina is one of my closest friends from college at UND. There is a group of 5 of us girls from college and we all made it for the big event and had a wonderful time catching up with each other. A great time was had by all. Here are some pics from the weekend!!! CONGRATULATIONS GINA & MARK!!!!


Isn't she cute. Chloe has joined the Galloway Family. She is 9 weeks old and weighs about 2 lbs. She is 3/4 Shih Tzu 1/4 Yorkie. She should mature to about 6 lbs. To give you an idea on size, Wicket weighs 11 lbs. The kids are absolutely loving her and are really doing good with taking her out to potty and play. She is doing very well in the PottyTraining department. Wicket is tolerating her, letting Chloe know who is in charge, but I think she likes having Chloe run after her. Check out Gillian's face in the first picture... her chin just about hit the ground and she was literally speechless for once!!!!


Since our family size increased, the need for a bigger vehicle did too. After a couple days of shopping and lots of phone calls and emails back and forth with Tim, we purchased a NEW 2008 Suburban.... it had 18 miles when I took it on a test drive. We are all pretty excited. We named it "BIG BURB"

Monday, September 1, 2008


Jordyn wants us all to know, that she may be the 4th child, but she isn't going to sit back in a corner..... she wants to be heard.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Well here she is. Not even 4 yet, and she feels the need to keep up with the big kids. Jenna is riding a 2 - wheeler!!!!!

Check out more pictures here.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hi Everyone
Sorry that it has been so long since I have updated. We have been so busy and enjoying every minute of our summer vacation in MN. It has been great to see family and friends. We have also tried to go and do a few fun things. Here are a few highlights of our vacation so far.
We spent a week in Belleville, NE (just outside of Omaha) with Tim's parents. We had a nice relaxing time, but it was SOOOOOO HOT!!!! We did go to the Omaha Zoo and it was amazing Best Zoo I have ever been too. My Grandpa Cy came over for a visit one day and my Grandma Doris and Aunts came for a weekend to visit. It was so wonderful to see them all and have my grandparents meet Jordyn. We went to my nephews, Josh and Justin's soccer game. They both played awesome!!!! My friend Elizabeth and her son, David came from Arkansas for a week. We haven't seem them in 4 years so we had a wonderful time catching up. We went to the Mall of America a few times (still don't think we saw everything) Como Zoo, and the Children's Museum. I'm getting pretty good at driving around the cities!!!! We also went to the beach a few times, one time we took the Tigersharks out for some riding.
Gillian and Joelle are already back in Alaska with Grandma Arleen as Gillian started school on Monday. I think the girls have all had a good vacation. I know that I have. We have talked to Tim a few times and he is doing well. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Jordyn is getting so big. She has found her voice, and scoots herself around on the floor on her back using her legs. She hasn't rolled over yet, but she is getting close. My friend Gina's wedding is this weekend, so I am looking forward to seeing all my college friends and having a good time. Sunday some of my Slick relatives are coming over for a BBQ and then on Tuesday the 26th we fly back to Alaska. I will update you all again soon. Enjoy the slideshow....

Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend at Fairmont

The next leg of our trip took us to Fairmont. Tim's parents drove up from Bellevue NE to meet us. The girls were really glad to get out of the car after a little over 2 hrs on the road. We had a family gathering for dinner at the farmhouse, with games afterword. Saturday we had a pancake breakfast at the farmhouse for any family that could make it. Afterword the kids had a ball with their cousins. They ghost-hunted in the basement, rode the moped, mule, model T, skateboard, and anything else that had wheels. We met at the Channel Inn for lunch and then it was back to the farm for the rest of the afternoon. The Channel Inn is a "must do" on Kari's list whenever she gets to Fairmont. Dinner was straight out of the garden. The fresh produce was a real treat. Too bad the sweetcorn was not ready yet. Sunday morning was another pancake breakfast, then church, then back home to pack and clean the farmhouse. We left in a caravan with Tim's parents for NE just as a rain was beginning. Click Here to View Pics.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We made it!!! YEAH!!!! We flew into MN Sunday night late... The plane ride went surprisingly well. Joey just got a kick out of seeing all the airplanes out the window, not realizing she was on an airplane. She was such a good girl for the whole flight. No issues at all. Gillian did really well, too... just a normal fidgity 8 yr old. Jordyn did wonderfully... one little squak when we were decending, otherwise she was a happy baby. Jenna was so happy to see all of us, as we were also so happy to see her....
It is tough getting use to the darkness... it is pitch black outside by like 9:30pm. Oh, and the sunshine... it is so hot and humid, miserable, but nice...
We are slowly getting our bodies adjusted to the 3 hour time change... yesterday I was dragging pretty bad and Koren had to wake us all up at 9:30am this morning...
Monday evening we watched my nephews, Josh and Justin play soccer... so cute and they did a great job. This afternoon, we went to the Mall of America, did a little shopping.... and yes, I didn't do it by myself with all 4 girls, I enlisted the help of my cousin, Brittany. We then met my good friend, Gina at the Rainforest Cafe for dinner and had a great visit. The resturant had so many fun things for the kids to look at, that the time just flew by. Tomorrow, Wednesday is a Day of Rest and Relaxation. We are planning on going to the beach in the evening and riding the tiger sharks. It so wonderful to be "HOME". I will keep you updated and hopefully get some pics on here in the next few days.

Saturday, July 19, 2008



She gets the biggest smile on her face.

Playing in the Rain

It has been a very rainy summer. The girls can only stay couped up in the house for so long. So out they went and found a great puddle in the neighbors driveway.

Like Mother Like Daughter

Gillian and I got our hair cut this week.... You can definitely see the resemblance!!!! Gillian is a spitten image of Kari at age 8....

Week of July 14 - 20

Well it has been another busy week. Monday Gillian and I had our teeth cleaned and exams.... no cavities for Kari, Gillian had 2. Gillian has had a little job this week of watering the neighbors flowers and feeding their cat... she did really well with her responsiblities... I was proud of her. Tuesday Gillian's molar decided to start falling apart... just what we needed to add to the list this week a trip to the Oral Surgeon. After working herself into a real frenzy, Gillian had her tooth pulled on Friday morning. I was busy around the house trying to get things done, before we head to MN. So I did lots of Laundry and packing of suitcases. Friday afternoon we had a nice little surprise drop in visit from my Uncle and Aunt, Kevin and Gloria and their family. They took a cruise up to AK and now are spending a few days here to do some sight seeing. Sunday July 20th, we get on the Plane, Kevin's oldest daughter, Megan is actually flying back with us tomorrow, so i will have a helping hand on the plane, thank goodness. Jenna is now at Koren and Brian's and we are all looking forwarding to seeing her. Its been a long week without her here.
So I best finish my packing and get to bed. Can't wait to see everyone in MN.
Love to all.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week of July 9-13

Well, its been a busy few days for us. Jenna had a dentist appt on Wednesday, NO CAVITIES!!! YEAH. Thursday I packed Jenna's suitcase. Friday July 10th, I took Jenna, Kris, Aimee and Noah down to the airport. So Jenna is now in MN. I talked to her Friday night and they made it there. I am looking forward to the phone call today to see how she is doing. My little girl is just getting so big. Her first trip without Mom or Dad. But I know she is in good hands with her Auntie Kris.
Friday evening, Angie and I watched a cute movie on Lifetime, called Little Manhattan. It is a 10 year old boy who falls in love for the first time.... it was so funny.
Yesterday we went to Walmart to buy Gillian's school supplies. I realized that I needed to get them now, as i won't be back before school starts.... so i can cross that off my list. Just need shoes and a backpack... but I figure we will find those in MN. It finally stopped raining, so I mowed the lawn last night too. I started out with Jordyn in the front pack. She wasn't to sure of the noise. My neighbor, Rebecca came over shortly after and held Jordyn while I continued to mow.... it isn't the best job, but it is done. Good thing I did it too, as we woke up this morning and you guessed it, it is raining AGAIN.
This afternoon, we are going to go over to Uncle Jeff's house for hot dogs. The house is quiet there with Kris, Aimee and Noah in MN, so the girls will make some noise there!!!!
This coming week it will basically be getting the house cleaned and packing for our trip.... we are all getting so excited to see everyone.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week of June 30 - July 9

Sorry it took me a few days to get this post out... Busy, Busy, Busy. We actually had some nice weather last week, so we were able to go to the park. But just after that nice day it has been raining EVERY DAY!!!! So the kids have been stuck inside the house, or when they do go outside, they come in soaking wet as the grass is so wet and long. It hasn't been dry long enough to cut. Yesterday it was only 53 degrees and today we were in the upper 50's again... so yes, I have had the fireplace on in July to keep to warm up the house a bit. How sad is that?
We didn't do much for the 4th of July. It is definitely different up here in Alaska. It is still light out, so there isn't fireworks until 11:30pm, at that is just to late for my kids. We went over to Kris & Jeff's house for dinner and hung out. We let off a few firecrackers and the kids had fun with the sparklers. I will get some pics downloaded in my next blog, hopefully. I actually made iron-on shirts for the kids. My neighbor had found a bunch of cool patriotic pics and had the iron-on, so she printed them for me and I ironed them on... On Saturday was MY special day. Angie had a scrapbooking day at her house and we had a Tastefully Simple Sampling Party along with it. I hired a babysitter for a few hours and really had a great time. I really needed that break from the kids.
Tuesday Jordyn had her 2 month checkup - 12lbs 12 oz.... yikes!!!!! She was pretty upset when she got her immunization and was pretty miserable the rest of the day, but we are doing better today.
Wednesday July 9, Jenna had her dentist appt.... NO CAVITIES!!!! YEAH!!!!
Tomorrow I need to finish up Jenna's packing, she heads to MN on Friday with Kris for the week and then she will stay with Koren and Brian for a couple of days, until we fly in on July 20th.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Well we finally hit 70 degrees on Wednesday.... its a heat wave in Alaska. Angie and I took the kids to the Wonderland Park for a fun afternoon. Angie brought her camera along and she got some great pics of the kids. The girls were all so hot, that when we got home they all put their bathing suits on and were running thru the sprinkler.

I'm a bit worried that we are in for a true summer wake-up call with the heat, once we get to MN in a couple of weeks. We are sweating at 70 degrees... what is it going to be like in the 90's and add that MN humidity. Yikes!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hey Everyone
Tim emailed us some pics and wanted me to share them with all of you. Doesn't he look good? The girls were so happy to see Daddy. We were talking on the phone with him and opening up the pics and the girls loved it, seeing and hearing Daddy at the same time. Joey kept grabbing at the computer screen. It breaks your heart. Tim is doing well and is looking forward to a 5K run on the 4th of July, but more importantly, the BBQ afterwords. Click on the link here to see all the pictures.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Thought I would share a few pics from the week...


Jordyn - 2 months old
Jenna & Joey

Click here for other Weekly Pictures.

Week of June 23-28

Well this week has been pretty low-key. Jenna attended a Summer Camp, which I blogged about earlier. So we were running to drop her off and pick her up. Tuesday morning I went over to my friend, Melissa's house to visit while Jenna was at her camp. Melissa's son, Ethan also attended the camp.
The exciting part of the week was on Wednesday, we bought a Wii. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is an interactive gaming system that you plug into the t.v. The kids are having a blast with it. And yes, I will admit it, so am I. Funny thing about it, is that Tim and I talked about getting one, but decided to wait until he comes home. Also, they are in such high demand, you just can't find them in stock anywhere. Well On Wednesday we were in Walmart, and there they were... they just happened to get a big shipment in and just put them out on the floor... I was standing there, thinking "should I or shouldn't I? Oh, I wish I could talk to Tim and ask him!!" Well all of a sudden my cell phone rings (which is surprising to get cell service inside the store no less)...... IT'S TIM!!!!!! So we discussed it and decided to get it!!!

Check out that tongue!!!

Saturday, Gillian went down to Elmendorf AFB with our neighbors, Tim and Angie, and their girls Alex and Sara, to the Thunderbird AirShow. She had a great time.
Gillian and the neighbor girls, Alex and Sara have been busy selling lemonade and have made $18 in 2 days... I'd say they are doing pretty good. Here's a pic of the entrepreneurs.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


My Friend Gretchen, took some time to take some photos of Jordyn at 6 weeks old. They are absolutely precious and timeless. I wanted to share with you. These were taken on June 9, 2008.


We met the Darling's when we all lived up at Ft. Greely, AK back in 2004. The begininng of 2006 they moved down to the Ancorage area and now we are here too. Our kids really enjoy playing with each other. We get together quite often and here is some pics of the kids.

This is Sam at 7 months and Jordyn at 3 weeks.

Here is Ben & Jenna. Both will be 4 this summer.

Here is Rachel 6 yrs and Gillian 8 yrs.

This is Jordyn at 3 weeks old.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Jenna Summer Camp

Jenna attended a Summer Camp this week called "Passport to Discovery." They traveled to different places and learned about them, crafts, music, clothes.... They had a great time. They were Vikings, went to Arabia, and North America. Here are a few pics from her week.


Just another princess.

Couple Cute Pics

Just thought I would share.....

There are a few more pics added to the Girls Album too, check it out.


Can you believe it? Jordyn is 2 months old already. Time is just flying by. Check out her smiles!!! She is such a good little girl. We have been so blessed. Jordyn is sleeping from about 10:30pm to 6:30am... so yes, Kari is getting some sleep. She is definitely a morning napper and then in the evening is her cluster feeding, wants to be held and talked too time. Evenings gets a little hard as that is the time of dinner, baths, bedtime for the other girls, but we are getting by. Gillian is such a great helper and will hold her and talk with her so I can get other things done. This little Princess outfit was picked out especially by her Daddy. Check out the link for a few more pics.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jordyn's Doc Appt

Oh, I forgot to let you all know, that Jordyn's Doctor Appt went well. They took xrays of her feet/legs and then we saw Orthopedics. They feel that her feet are within normal range. Just need to keep an eye on things and makes sure they straighten out and she doesn't have any issues when she starts walking. So everything looks good. That's just what I wanted to hear!!!


Here are some recent pics of the girls. Click HERE for more shots.