Wednesday, October 29, 2008


From the day she was born, she loved the water. There has never been a cry out of her during a bath or shower. You and the floor get soaking wet while Jordyn practices her swim strokes. I think she may give Micheal Phelps a "SWIM" for his medals. Check out the video!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Majestic Beauty

The beginning of October brought lots of rain, but I guess, that was all summer long. But on this evening Oct 10, 2008 I was blessed to have witness the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. It was a full arch and I was right in the middle of it, with each color so perfectly detailed. My pictures do not do it justice by any means.

Gillian Gymnastics

Gillian is taking gymnastics this year and really enjoying it. We go every wednesday evening. Gillian's friend, Sara (neighbor) also attends the same class. Another neat little tidbit, OUR FUTURE VP's daughter attends another class at the same time, so when Piper isn't busy on the campaign trail with her mom, we see her. Just another small town girl... Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So today we were headed out to Gillian's school and by golly, right there on the road if by our house there was a Momma Moose and her 3, yes, I said THREE Baby moose. I grabbed my phone camera and tried to get a few pictures. I have seen lots of moose with twins, but never triplets... and that they were right here in the neighborhood makes it even crazier!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jordyn Jump-Up

She is having way to much fun.

Jordyn Jump-Up

She is having WAY to fun!!!

Firehouse Tour

October is Fire Safety Month. Jenna and Joey had the opportunity to tour a Palmer Firehouse. Meet a real FireWoman and check out the trucks. They had a great time.

Friday, October 10, 2008


And so it begins...
The Lovely Winter Mat-Su Valley Winds.

So yesterday it started, as the day progressed so did the wind. And wouldn't you know, Gillian's school had this great athletic event to invite family to come run with their kids during recess to help them earn more laps in the "MILEAGE CLUB" (during recess, a couple of times a week, the kids can choose to go outside and run laps. It is a marked path that 5 laps equal a mile. With every mile they get a little prize and a Paper "Foot" added to the Mileage wall in the gym.) Great way to get kids out there running and exercising. So of course Gillian wanted us to come. Joey and I did one lap, Jenna ran 5. Poor girl was frozen by the time she was done. Battling the wind wasn't fun. Now it is 4:30am, (I'm up with Jordyn) and the wind is still blowing at 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph... (which it is "gusting" most of the time)
I love Alaska, but I really hate the wind that blows here in the Valley during the winter. The cold is bad enough, but do we really have to add the wind?

Oh, and to top it all off, just had to change Jordyn's diaper, and wouldn't you know... she had a "BLOW-OUT!"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gillian got glasses

So it starts... Gillian needs glasses. She is far-sighted and has an astigmatism... She looks pretty darn cute in her glasses I think. My friend told me this great saying as a rule for glasses... "On your face, or in the case" So that is how it goes....


So we woke up to big snowflakes coming down this morning... I guess winter is here... a little early I think... I really don't want a long winter, especially with Tim gone. It is hard enough for me to get out of the house in the morning with 4 little ones, I don't know how I will fit snowplowing/shoveling in...
So of course, Jenna and Joey had to go out to play, so that meant digging out all the winter gear.... They came back in absolutely soaking wet, so it begins....
It is now 2pm and all the snow has melted, but I am sure there is lots more to come.