Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Update

I know, I know. It has been a long time since I have truly added anything. I am so sorry. It has just been one heck of a crazy, fun-filled 50 days and I will blog what we have been doing since Tim was home little by little in the days ahead.
Currently, Tim, Gillian and Jenna left this morning at 3am headed for a drive across Canada to Minnesota. Tim did send a text at 6am saying that Jenna had already thrown up... got to love car sickness. So it may be an eventful 5 days in the car for them. Yes they do have dramimine for her....
Tim will be there for a few days and then he alone will continue on to Ft. Lee, Virginia where he will be for he next 6 months attending his long overdue Captain's Career Course. He should be back home for good by the first of the new year.
Joey is a bit lost this morning without her sisters here to play.
Gillian and Jenna are going to spend a month in MN, staying with my sister and my parents. They are so excited to see and play with all of their cousins. They will be returning home via plane, Aug 8th along with my mom, my grandma, my aunt and my cousin.
I am going to enjoy this little summer break with only 2 kids. But I know I will miss my other 2 dearly. I have never been away from them this long. I need to get the house in order and I have lots of projects that should keep me busy.
It was so wonderful having Tim home and being together as a family. We had a huge Memorial Weekend BBQ (65 people were here), we went to North Pole, AK and visited some great friends, we went camping in Seward with some more great friends, and of course tiled the living room floor and most importantly we were a Family. Can't wait till 2010.
Love to all.

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