Thursday, April 30, 2009


So these pics were taken about a month ago by my neighbor. Yes, it is true, Moose do hang out in the populated areas. The yellow house in the background is our house. More than once, we have been stuck inside waiting for moose to leave the yard.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Birthday Cake

Since Jordyn got sick before she could eat her birthday cake, we saved it and she enjoyed it the next day. We had a good laugh. She wasn't quite sure what to do with it, poke it, pat it, put it in her hair and ears, and finally she decided to taste it.
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Friday, April 24, 2009


Well we had a very nice and relaxing Easter. Thusday before, we decorated eggs. Jenna was throwing a fit over her supper so she didn't get to participate, except for her one egg with her name on it. Jordyn just wanted to drink the dye and eat the eggs, but everytime she put an egg to her mouth and tasted that vineager, she didn't like it, so she just sat in the highchair and cried during the process. Gillian was not happy with any of her eggs she colored... many of her responses were " Look at this ugly egg" or "the crayon didn't work". Joey just had a great time and was happy as can be... I don't know why I put myself thru this torture?
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On Easter Sunday, we got up and the kids found their Easter Baskets and also found the hidden easter eggs around the house. We slowly gathered things up and headed over to Kris and Jeff's house. We had and outdoor easter egg hunt and the kids really enjoyed that. Gillian and Noah, both had a scavenger hunt. We enjoyed a delicious meal of Ham and Mashed potatoes. Jordyn loved her potatoes.. I had 3 spoons going of it. She would have 2 in her hands and when she would finally drop one she would scream so I gave her the third one and then the one she dropped would get refilled quickly and wait for the process to start all over again. We all had a good laugh.

Fun in the Mud

Our neighbors have the "ULTIMATE MUD PUDDLE" on the side of the driveway. It truly is every kids dream. With great weather this past couple weeks, the kids decided one day that it was time to test out the puddle.

Jordyn Turns 1!!!

Where did the year go? I can't believe my baby is already one!!! Jordyn was having a great day until she woke up from her afternoon nap... then she ended up sick with the flu... poor thing... what a way to spend her birthday. So we saved the cake and will hopefully let her dive into that tonight. Enjoy the little book I put together
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One Year Old Stats
Jordyn is crawling all over and she is FAST. She is also standing up on furniture, but not walking along it yet. I think she is waiting to walk until daddy get home. She has 2 teeth on the bottom. She has a beautiful Princess wave and gives kisses. She has learned the scream thing when she wants something. She is still my happy go lucky little girl who sleeps thru the night!!! She now weighs in at 22 lbs!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well if you haven't been watching the ticker at the top of the page... Today is the start of the 1 Month Countdown until Tim is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This last month I think is worse than the 1st month he was gone. We are so anxious so it makes the days go by really REALLY RRRRRREEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY SLOW!!!!!!!!

So much to do and so little time. I have a long list of things I would like to get done before Tim is home, and then there is the "Honey Do List" The #1 thing on Tim's list is to SPEND SOME GREAT QUALITY TIME WITH HIS GIRLS!!!!

Please keep Tim in your prayers and lets get him home safely!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Sticky Fingers"

So we get home from school and Gillian races into the house to fix the tail on her homemade bunny made from a washcloth. By the time I get in the house with the other 3 kids, Gillian is crying and running her hands under hot water... she split a whole bottle of SUPER GLUE all over her hands, the counter and her bunny... I quickly run and grab a paper towel to try and get it off the counter as fast as possible... at that moment I move her Bunny and it literally starts fuming with a strong smell.. it was reacting to the pinesol the counter had been cleaned with earlier in the day.. I throw the bunny outside as fast as possible. Got some paint stripper that I had in the garage and scrubbed the counters and had Gillian washing her hands with it... I have never seen hands so covered in so much SuperGlue. It came off the counter!!!! In the mean time, Jenna takes it upon herself to head over to the neighbors house. Tracy greets her at the door and Jenna holds up both hands in the air and says, "My mom needs you, Gillian has Sticky Fingers" Tracy came over carrying a bottle of ACETONE Fingernail Polish Remover, which got the glue all off, but Gillian has some pretty dried up fingers now. We all had a good laugh over the spill and little Jenna running for help (even though I didn't tell her too) But she did the right thing as I didn't have any Acetone polish remover. THANKS TRACY FOR HELPING US OUT!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Up here in Alaska, we don't call it spring... we call it "BREAK-UP". We have actually had a week of really nice weather... upper 30's that is.... So the snow is finally starting to melt... I hope I didn't just JINX things. The kids have been itching to get the bikes out. I finally gave in. As you will see from the video we have a nice stream of water that runs from the base of the driveway down the road. Its the PERFECT PUDDLE!!!

Here's a pic of Joey after such a fun day outside.

The Girls Hanging out!

Jordyn thinking she is pretty darn sneaky under the end table