Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And so it begins... FLU SEASON

Well, its been a tough few days here in the Galloway Household. Jordyn decided to puke and be whiny and fussy all day monday. Monday night, Joey was in possesion of the infamous puke bucket and her and I slept in the chair downstairs. At 1am this morning... Gillian and control of the toilet in the girls' bathroom. By 3 am I was in control of the toilet in my bathroom. Then about 1hr later Jenna decided to throw up in my bed and since the 2 bathrooms were in use she got control of sitting on the floor in my bathroom. Glad I got the septic tank empty a couple of months ago, because we sure kept things "flowing" here. I also had to figure out 2 more puke buckets.
This morning I called my wonderful Daycare Provider, Patti and she let me bring Jorydn and Joey over for the day. The rest of us tried to get some sleep here at home. It is 5:40pm and I think Gillian is on the mend, Jenna is still in tough shape, and myself, well, I think the stomach is better, but I have such achey bones/joints, that I can't hardly move. Dehydration is a big factor. Wish Tim was here, I would let him practice his medic training and stick an IV in me to get me some fluids. I had my neighbor, Angie pick up an electric blanket at the store... that is helping the joints. I sent Jordyn to Auntie Kris's for the night. Patti is actually going to the store for me to pick up diapers and baby food. I realized I was low and it is a holiday weekend and I don't feel like heading out to the stores. Bless her heart.
Keep us in your prayers. Hopefully we will all be better and will get to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day by Day

Sorry I haven't updated in the past few weeks. But sorry to say, not much new to report. We are adjusting to the cold weather and the darker days. We have snow on the ground and I had the joy of getting up realy early one day to snowblow the driveway before school...
Jordyn is sitting (with a boppy pillow) behind her... she is getting stronger tummy muscles every day and stays upright longer and longer. She has also started rolling around the living room.. no speedy gonzales, but works her way off the blanket she is on. She is loving the baby food and at her 6.5 month appointment last week, the scale confirmed that... a whopping 17 lbs 11 oz!!!!! Jordyn is such a happy go lucky baby and has quite a personality. She jabbers and chews on things all the time.
Gillian is busy with school. She is in a play and has memorized her lines. Jenna is enjoying preschool. Joey is starting to get real interested in the potty. She successfully went peepee on the potty, 4 times today... But at least she is showing interest.
We are all getting excited for Disney World and to see Daddy. Hopefully the time will keep flying by and before we know it, it will be January.
Tim is doing good. They are in their "winter" season right now so they are getting some rain and cooler temps. Missions have been going well. We have hit the half way mark, so now we are on the down hill side of this deployment.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well the first battle of Halloween started at 2pm when I told Gillian and Jenna they had to lay down for quiet time, or they were not going trick-or-treating. Joey was already sleeping. The second battle began at about 3:30 when they got up and Gillian came downstairs wearing her dress with no shirt or pants on underneath.... uuuummmm it is 15 degrees outside.. you are wearing warm clothes. So this battle lasted till 5pm. I even called in for back-up, Grandma Slick to try and convince her and calm her down... Jenna and Joey didn't have a problem with it and got warm clothes on and their princess dresses. Auntie Kris stopped by about 5pm to see the girls all dressed up... we had to laugh at the total chaos of trying to get 4 GIRLS ready for halloween... All in all, we finally got out the door. We were invited over to a party in the neighborhood. It was nice as I was able to leave Jordyn at the house, take the other 3 to a couple of houses before Jenna was crying she was so cold. So back to the party we went. I left Jenna and Joey there and then walked around with Gillian for awhile... We had a great time. Glad that it is over.... 365 days until we have to do it again.