Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Sticky Fingers"

So we get home from school and Gillian races into the house to fix the tail on her homemade bunny made from a washcloth. By the time I get in the house with the other 3 kids, Gillian is crying and running her hands under hot water... she split a whole bottle of SUPER GLUE all over her hands, the counter and her bunny... I quickly run and grab a paper towel to try and get it off the counter as fast as possible... at that moment I move her Bunny and it literally starts fuming with a strong smell.. it was reacting to the pinesol the counter had been cleaned with earlier in the day.. I throw the bunny outside as fast as possible. Got some paint stripper that I had in the garage and scrubbed the counters and had Gillian washing her hands with it... I have never seen hands so covered in so much SuperGlue. It came off the counter!!!! In the mean time, Jenna takes it upon herself to head over to the neighbors house. Tracy greets her at the door and Jenna holds up both hands in the air and says, "My mom needs you, Gillian has Sticky Fingers" Tracy came over carrying a bottle of ACETONE Fingernail Polish Remover, which got the glue all off, but Gillian has some pretty dried up fingers now. We all had a good laugh over the spill and little Jenna running for help (even though I didn't tell her too) But she did the right thing as I didn't have any Acetone polish remover. THANKS TRACY FOR HELPING US OUT!!!

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