Thursday, February 5, 2009

9 months old already

Can you believe it? Where has the time gone? Jordyn is such a happy baby and so laid back. Ask anyone who knows here... Even her doctor says " She is even happy when she is sick. You can't go by the facial expression on the pain chart with her" Jordyn is all over the place now, rolling that is.... She has started to do the belly scoot forward using her arms to pull her and her toes to push her. It isn't quite at the "low army crawl" yet, but we are getting there. She is also getting up on her hands and knees and rockin back and forth. Every day she gets a little stronger and I am just waiting for her to take off. Jenna and Joey were both walkin/running by 9 months so I am truly enjoying the fact that she has stayed in one spot up until now... Now we are constantly having to go get her away from something and bring her back to the living room. We have been battling yet ANOTHER NASTY COLD this week, but we are hangin in there... she just can't seem to kick it....we do well for a week or 2 and then we get it again.... but she is still happy.

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