Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend at Fairmont

The next leg of our trip took us to Fairmont. Tim's parents drove up from Bellevue NE to meet us. The girls were really glad to get out of the car after a little over 2 hrs on the road. We had a family gathering for dinner at the farmhouse, with games afterword. Saturday we had a pancake breakfast at the farmhouse for any family that could make it. Afterword the kids had a ball with their cousins. They ghost-hunted in the basement, rode the moped, mule, model T, skateboard, and anything else that had wheels. We met at the Channel Inn for lunch and then it was back to the farm for the rest of the afternoon. The Channel Inn is a "must do" on Kari's list whenever she gets to Fairmont. Dinner was straight out of the garden. The fresh produce was a real treat. Too bad the sweetcorn was not ready yet. Sunday morning was another pancake breakfast, then church, then back home to pack and clean the farmhouse. We left in a caravan with Tim's parents for NE just as a rain was beginning. Click Here to View Pics.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We made it!!! YEAH!!!! We flew into MN Sunday night late... The plane ride went surprisingly well. Joey just got a kick out of seeing all the airplanes out the window, not realizing she was on an airplane. She was such a good girl for the whole flight. No issues at all. Gillian did really well, too... just a normal fidgity 8 yr old. Jordyn did wonderfully... one little squak when we were decending, otherwise she was a happy baby. Jenna was so happy to see all of us, as we were also so happy to see her....
It is tough getting use to the darkness... it is pitch black outside by like 9:30pm. Oh, and the sunshine... it is so hot and humid, miserable, but nice...
We are slowly getting our bodies adjusted to the 3 hour time change... yesterday I was dragging pretty bad and Koren had to wake us all up at 9:30am this morning...
Monday evening we watched my nephews, Josh and Justin play soccer... so cute and they did a great job. This afternoon, we went to the Mall of America, did a little shopping.... and yes, I didn't do it by myself with all 4 girls, I enlisted the help of my cousin, Brittany. We then met my good friend, Gina at the Rainforest Cafe for dinner and had a great visit. The resturant had so many fun things for the kids to look at, that the time just flew by. Tomorrow, Wednesday is a Day of Rest and Relaxation. We are planning on going to the beach in the evening and riding the tiger sharks. It so wonderful to be "HOME". I will keep you updated and hopefully get some pics on here in the next few days.

Saturday, July 19, 2008



She gets the biggest smile on her face.

Playing in the Rain

It has been a very rainy summer. The girls can only stay couped up in the house for so long. So out they went and found a great puddle in the neighbors driveway.

Like Mother Like Daughter

Gillian and I got our hair cut this week.... You can definitely see the resemblance!!!! Gillian is a spitten image of Kari at age 8....

Week of July 14 - 20

Well it has been another busy week. Monday Gillian and I had our teeth cleaned and exams.... no cavities for Kari, Gillian had 2. Gillian has had a little job this week of watering the neighbors flowers and feeding their cat... she did really well with her responsiblities... I was proud of her. Tuesday Gillian's molar decided to start falling apart... just what we needed to add to the list this week a trip to the Oral Surgeon. After working herself into a real frenzy, Gillian had her tooth pulled on Friday morning. I was busy around the house trying to get things done, before we head to MN. So I did lots of Laundry and packing of suitcases. Friday afternoon we had a nice little surprise drop in visit from my Uncle and Aunt, Kevin and Gloria and their family. They took a cruise up to AK and now are spending a few days here to do some sight seeing. Sunday July 20th, we get on the Plane, Kevin's oldest daughter, Megan is actually flying back with us tomorrow, so i will have a helping hand on the plane, thank goodness. Jenna is now at Koren and Brian's and we are all looking forwarding to seeing her. Its been a long week without her here.
So I best finish my packing and get to bed. Can't wait to see everyone in MN.
Love to all.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week of July 9-13

Well, its been a busy few days for us. Jenna had a dentist appt on Wednesday, NO CAVITIES!!! YEAH. Thursday I packed Jenna's suitcase. Friday July 10th, I took Jenna, Kris, Aimee and Noah down to the airport. So Jenna is now in MN. I talked to her Friday night and they made it there. I am looking forward to the phone call today to see how she is doing. My little girl is just getting so big. Her first trip without Mom or Dad. But I know she is in good hands with her Auntie Kris.
Friday evening, Angie and I watched a cute movie on Lifetime, called Little Manhattan. It is a 10 year old boy who falls in love for the first time.... it was so funny.
Yesterday we went to Walmart to buy Gillian's school supplies. I realized that I needed to get them now, as i won't be back before school starts.... so i can cross that off my list. Just need shoes and a backpack... but I figure we will find those in MN. It finally stopped raining, so I mowed the lawn last night too. I started out with Jordyn in the front pack. She wasn't to sure of the noise. My neighbor, Rebecca came over shortly after and held Jordyn while I continued to mow.... it isn't the best job, but it is done. Good thing I did it too, as we woke up this morning and you guessed it, it is raining AGAIN.
This afternoon, we are going to go over to Uncle Jeff's house for hot dogs. The house is quiet there with Kris, Aimee and Noah in MN, so the girls will make some noise there!!!!
This coming week it will basically be getting the house cleaned and packing for our trip.... we are all getting so excited to see everyone.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week of June 30 - July 9

Sorry it took me a few days to get this post out... Busy, Busy, Busy. We actually had some nice weather last week, so we were able to go to the park. But just after that nice day it has been raining EVERY DAY!!!! So the kids have been stuck inside the house, or when they do go outside, they come in soaking wet as the grass is so wet and long. It hasn't been dry long enough to cut. Yesterday it was only 53 degrees and today we were in the upper 50's again... so yes, I have had the fireplace on in July to keep to warm up the house a bit. How sad is that?
We didn't do much for the 4th of July. It is definitely different up here in Alaska. It is still light out, so there isn't fireworks until 11:30pm, at that is just to late for my kids. We went over to Kris & Jeff's house for dinner and hung out. We let off a few firecrackers and the kids had fun with the sparklers. I will get some pics downloaded in my next blog, hopefully. I actually made iron-on shirts for the kids. My neighbor had found a bunch of cool patriotic pics and had the iron-on, so she printed them for me and I ironed them on... On Saturday was MY special day. Angie had a scrapbooking day at her house and we had a Tastefully Simple Sampling Party along with it. I hired a babysitter for a few hours and really had a great time. I really needed that break from the kids.
Tuesday Jordyn had her 2 month checkup - 12lbs 12 oz.... yikes!!!!! She was pretty upset when she got her immunization and was pretty miserable the rest of the day, but we are doing better today.
Wednesday July 9, Jenna had her dentist appt.... NO CAVITIES!!!! YEAH!!!!
Tomorrow I need to finish up Jenna's packing, she heads to MN on Friday with Kris for the week and then she will stay with Koren and Brian for a couple of days, until we fly in on July 20th.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Well we finally hit 70 degrees on Wednesday.... its a heat wave in Alaska. Angie and I took the kids to the Wonderland Park for a fun afternoon. Angie brought her camera along and she got some great pics of the kids. The girls were all so hot, that when we got home they all put their bathing suits on and were running thru the sprinkler.

I'm a bit worried that we are in for a true summer wake-up call with the heat, once we get to MN in a couple of weeks. We are sweating at 70 degrees... what is it going to be like in the 90's and add that MN humidity. Yikes!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hey Everyone
Tim emailed us some pics and wanted me to share them with all of you. Doesn't he look good? The girls were so happy to see Daddy. We were talking on the phone with him and opening up the pics and the girls loved it, seeing and hearing Daddy at the same time. Joey kept grabbing at the computer screen. It breaks your heart. Tim is doing well and is looking forward to a 5K run on the 4th of July, but more importantly, the BBQ afterwords. Click on the link here to see all the pictures.