Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Horse Riding and Spring Break

Well we survived Spring Break. Barely. I tried to keep the girls busy, but yet they still seemed to find something to fight, whine, cry over. Here is what we did last week. On Monday we headed down to Anchorage and went to the indoor waterpark for the day. The kids had a blast and were sleeping in the car within 5 minutes on the way home. Tuesday we just relaxed and recovered from monday. Wednesday the weather was beautiful, so outside we went. In the morning we walked down to the park.. Jordyn loved the sled and the kids played while Jordyn to a nap in the fresh air. In the afternoon we went over to our friend's house and we got to ride horse. The kids had a great time and Jenna and Gillian are naturals. Check out the pics and the videos. Friday we met some friends at Bouncy Bears and indoor bouncy house thingy... the kids had fun and jordyn wasn't too sure about the whole experience. Check out these pics.

1 comment:

Busy Mom Of Four said...

What a wonderful time the girls had!!!! Too cute!!