Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well we are back home. Reflecting on the past 2 weeks it is hard to come up with the right words to explain it all. Seeing Tim and being together as a family was the best thing about the trip. Spending time with all our family was also wonderful. The theme parks were great and we have some incredible memories and awesome pictures. It is going to take me some time to go thru the pictures, but I will get some posted.
Now we are back to reality, school, unpacking suitcases, daily house chores and kids activities. First thing on the list yesterday was to go grocery shopping. Not much in our house to eat.
Tim begins his journey back to Iraq today. We are all looking forward to the end of May, and we know that this is the short stretch of separation before he gets home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Where Dreams Come True

We are having a wonderful trip here in Florida. The best part of it, is being together as a family and the warm weather. We having been to Magic Kingdom twice, Animal Kingdom, SeaWorld, spent a few days by the pool. Today we are headed to Kennedy Space Center, and Wednesday Epcot... I will post more details and pics later, but I wanted to send out this little video clip!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

We Made it!

Well, after a very long day on planes, we have made it to Orlando. We left Anchorage at -20 below. We had a mechanical delay in Seattle, but thank goodness we hadn't boarded the plane yet. The girls slept most of the second flight. Koren was at the airport to pick us up. We got to the hotel at 1am Eastern Time and to bed about 3am... We got up at 9am had some breakfast and headed to the pool. The 80 degree weather feels beautiful. What a nice change. The only snaffoo I am having is with my phone. I ended up going to an Apple Store, only to get there and my phone working fine...; got back to the hotel and it is not working again... so, I am headed back to the store. HOpefully to get a new phone. Haven't heard from Tim, but also he may have tried to call, but because my phone is on the fritz that may be part of the reason. Hopeful he will arrive tomorrow. The girls are having a great time with their cousins and I of course love being with my sister and brother-in-law. Tomorrow we head over to the Timeshare and hopefully, watch the MN Vikings play!!!!
Here is a little sunshine for everyone.
HOpe to update soon, with some pics.


Thursday, January 1, 2009


To bed that is.....

I just finished up with the packing... I think I am ready to go. JOrdyn crashed early tonight, I didn't even get her bath in, so will do that in the early am. She is battling a lovely cold and a double ear infection AGAIN!!! The plane ride should be fun with that. The other 3 girls were troopers tonight and helped me out quite a bit, except for the going to bed part.... I think they just finally fell asleep around 11pm. It is 11:45pm and I am headed to bed to get a few hours of sleep... LITERALLY "A FEW". My alarm is set for 3:30am, and then it is up and running and out the door by 4:30 to get to the airport to catch our plane that is headed south to some warmer weather. It is going to be just about a 100 degree temperature change between Alaska and Florida.... Got to love this -20 below stuff....
Tim is currently stuck in Kuwait in a Sandstorm... he hopes to leave there about the 3rd... so it has already set him back a couple of days.... that is the way it goes... oh well... if all goes well he should be arriving on the 4th sometime.
I hope to blog some on our trip if I get a chance.... Happy New Year to all of you!!!