Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well if you haven't been watching the ticker at the top of the page... Today is the start of the 1 Month Countdown until Tim is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This last month I think is worse than the 1st month he was gone. We are so anxious so it makes the days go by really REALLY RRRRRREEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY SLOW!!!!!!!!

So much to do and so little time. I have a long list of things I would like to get done before Tim is home, and then there is the "Honey Do List" The #1 thing on Tim's list is to SPEND SOME GREAT QUALITY TIME WITH HIS GIRLS!!!!

Please keep Tim in your prayers and lets get him home safely!!!

1 comment:

Busy Mom Of Four said...

I am so excited for you only having a few more weeks...YEA!!!!
OMG...the stinky fingers incident...oh my!!! I would go nuts!! And, looks like the kids were having fun in the puddles! We had a blast up there on Sunday. I blogged some pictures & you can go on the family album link & then load the girls pictures to your family album ;-).