Sunday, February 8, 2009


So it is a lazy Sunday afternoon... My friend, Gretchen and her 4 children, whom we were stationed up at Ft. Greely, AK with (2004-2006) came over to spend the afternoon. They live in Eagle River now, so it is about a 20 minute drive to each others house. Her Eldest son, Jakob had a hockey game out here, so it works out perfectly, as Rachel and Ben Stay here to play during that time and then we always have supper together here. It has been so fun watching the kids grow up together. Ben and Jenna were just a few months old when we first met and now they are going to be turning 5 yrs old this summer!!!! The story behind the pictures of Jordyn are: the girls were playing "house". Rachel and Gillian were the "Moms" and they needed babies... so that is where Jenna, Joey, and Jordyn came in.... This had been going on for awhile now and by surprise, Gillian came down with a stinky diaper... YES... SHE CHANGED JORDYN'S DIAPER!!! I guess they were really serious about the "jobs as moms". Now things has been going on for a couple of hours up in the bonus room and I haven't heard a peep out of Jordyn,(not that she gets fussy that often, but still) so I thought I would take a quick peek... there she was... all set up in the Laundry basket.... having a hayday watching the girls play around upstairs.. She had her bottle, a baby, a toy... she was set.... and of course a BIG SMILE!!!! So I had to grab the camera quick!!! here is a little video of my "HAPPY GO LUCKY" Little Girl.


Busy Mom Of Four said...

Thanks again for yesterday...we all had a great time!!! I always hate leaving though...I wish we were neighbors! I love Jenna's crossed arms...hee. And, Ben, is smiling so big his eyes disappeard! Too cute that they put her in the basket...atleast she was safe!

Unknown said...

I know that I am in the dark ages by not having a computer but what I am really missing is the lives of my LOVE ones. It is really a treat to be here in Japan with Ben. One of the big perks is that I get to use his computer and see these wonderful bits of the lives of my niece and her beautiful children. Thanks Kari for putting out the blogs. You have no idea how this touches my heart. You have a wonderful family. RB